What We Do

When it comes to prioritizing the physical, mental, and financial health of employees, Attentive stands out as the clear choice.

Because not all “wellness” related programs are created equal. The concepts may be the same, but architecture is paramount. Learn more about our pioneering program design HERE.

Preventative CareManagement Program©

Attentive’s Preventative Care Management Program is an ERISA qualified health and wellbeing program. The program includes a full suite of benefits that focus on preventative care, chronic care management, mental health, and overall wellbeing.

When employees enroll in the program, it generates tax savings that enables them to add additional benefits without reducing their take-home pay. This, in turn, generates tax savings for the organization, driving money to the bottom line.

Industry Standard​ Exclusive​
Employee Assistance​
Vital Statistics Facial Scanning
Addiction Recovery
Couples Counseling
Chronic & Acute Care Management
Mayo Clinic Diabetes Diet
The Resilience Stress & Anxiety Program
12 Habits Of Highly Healthy People

Easy Access

The Attentive portal can be accessed on a laptop, tablet or phone for easy access at the member’s fingertips.

Personalized Benefits

Members have access to a robust suite of benefits and can customize which ones are of importance to them. Family members also get access to all benefits through their own personal login.

Unique User Experience

The portal uses gamification and other engagement features to incentivize members to focus on their health challenges and to use a wide range of tools and resources.

Member Engagement

The portal uses gamification and other engagement features to incentivize members to focus on their health challenges and to use a wide range of tools and resources.

Program Architecture

Program design matters. In the past or present, many programs have been deemed non-compliant as a result of their architecture. We took a different approach when we developed our program nearly a decade ago.

We spent a year in research and development, taking into account all guidance from the IRS on tax-advantaged wellness programs. Our program has been reviewed in great detail by tier one tax attorneys and forensic CPAs, confirming our design.

As a result, our program became the blueprint that is used by all companies that provide a “SIMRP”, “SIMERP”, or “WIMPER”.

Our trailblazing architecture also inspired the article published in The CPA Journal, “20 Questions about Establishing a Health & Wellness Program in the Workplace”. The authors consulted closely with our team as part of their research.

We are proud to have created a legacy that is changing the market. We have a deep commitment to compliance and will continue to lead the way.

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